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Nickolas Tresoor Photo

Nickolas Tresoor


Mutual Funds Advisor, Manulife Wealth Inc.
Life Insurance Advisor - Tresoor Financial Services Limited.

Nickolas’ balanced approach provides his clients with a professional service-based experience. He delivers the tools to transition into a sustainable retirement lifestyle while identifying and managing potential risks along the way. A simplified process allows clients to recognize their unique goals and achieve measurable results.

Prior to joining the firm in 2010, Nickolas coached financial advisors and clients on the importance of cashflow while working as a consultant with Manulife Bank. In this role, he developed a strong working knowledge of budgeting and debt management which he uses to counsel clients on the importance of building a solid foundation.

Nickolas is a Financial Planner and believes in staying up to date in an increasingly

changing financial landscape.  Nickolas applies the same fundamental approach to his life outside of the office and enjoys spending time with family and friends. He enjoys a wide range of activities such as playing hockey, camping and skiing both at the resort and in the back-country.

Office: 403-228-5136
Fax: 403-269-5146

Email: Nickolas.Tresoor@manulifewealth.ca 

Terry Tresoor Photo

Terry Tresoor

Mutual Funds Advisor, Manulife Wealth Inc.
Life Insurance Advisor - Tresoor Financial Services Limited

Terry entered the financial services industry immediately following graduation from university. He has spent the past 37 years in various corporate and advisory capacities and building a successful financial services practice. As a result, Terry brings a wealth of experience to his clients in the areas of retirement and estate planning. His goals in working with any client/prospective client are very simple:

  • Assist that individual in becoming an informed consumer. What that typically involves is the clarification and quantification of goals and objectives, followed by an outline of the strategies and products available to that individual to address those goals and objectives and...
  • Earn and maintain the trust and confidence of that individual.

Terry has also enjoyed over 40 years in the domestic service industry with his lovely wife Nickole and wonderful children. They’ve had the pleasure of living in and being a part of the social and sporting life in Northwest Calgary for over 30 years.

Office: 403-228-5136
Fax: 403-269-5146

Email: Terrence.Tresoor@manulifewealth.ca